Tuesday, December 20, 2005

And wierder things have happened..

Another storm is expected to cross the storm ravaged east coast of India, Iraq just had it's general elections, George W has managed to swing back in opinion polls (can you believe it????), Celine Dion or Brittany Spears haven't come out with another music video this year (Hallelujah!). With such wierd yet interesting events happening around the world, the fact that my blog has crossed 50 posts isn't actually a big deal.

Unlike most of my ventures, this one has stood the test of time or it has till date and I'm not sure how or why.

I'd like to thank a few people. I would like to thank my family for having nothing to do with this blog. I'd like to thank my lil dog Belle who has tried very hard to save mankind from my posts by doing her best to distract me. I would like to thank a few colleagues who tap their forehead whenever they see me update this blog, for if they had found it cool, I probably wouldn't do it. I'd like to thank my pal U, who probably would count the number of posts just to keep me in the straight. In the end, I thank dear Claudia (Schiffer) for being born.


Mukta Raut said...

Congratulations. Ms. Schiffer sends her warm regards. :-)

shana p. said...

Congratulations - it's nice that you started posting again!!

Janaki said...

keep up this tempo!!

R. said...

mukta, thanks! my love to Ms. Schiffer

cheesey, thanks! it's great to be posting again :-)

jaygee, I will I will I will wiiiilllll, i wiiiiiiiiiiiilllll..aw darn it, lost the tempo :)