Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Ever since I heard two weeks that my job would be little bit more lighter, I've ended up travelling just about every day! Well, it's all good coz I like my job. Now, I'm off to beautiful Jaipur the city of palaces for a 4 day training programme followed by a day in Delhi to catch up with the Boss.

I should be back with a few posts by the middle of next week. In the meanwhile my blogroll seems to have been fairly active so do check these fine blogs out.

I leave you with the immortal words of a very wise man (from his movie 'A Night in Casablanca', one of my all-time favourites), this is Groucho Marx (Ronald Cornblow) saying ' From now on the essence of this hotel will be speed. If a customer askes you for a three-minute egg, give it to him in two minutes. If he askes you for a two-minute egg, give it to him in one minute. If he askes you for a one-minute egg, give him the chicken and let him work it out for himself!'.

I'm off! Up up and away!!


Mukta Raut said...

Enjoy yourself!

Ms.N said...

hey - came acroos your blog quite randomly ... liked ur posts- especially the one where u went to spain and wore italian shoes and the one on football -frankly the first footballl post tht was nice!

keep writing!

Lubna said...

Aaah training. Have fun in Jaipur. Hope you get to see a bit of it and eat at the marvellous street side stalls - especially partake of the thick lassi which losens your tounge and you end up telling your boss that you can meet your revenue targets only if you sell your kidneys - dont ask me the story about this one! Just have the lassi and let us hear your story. We are off on a four day training too, during the goregous holiday period (read Aug 11-16). Yes we shall be slogging it out behind closed doors while someone drones about new techniques of excellence or whatever else. Why are you, I, most of my friends going through this phase of disconnect with humanity? Maybe Post Oct -peak tax season, I shall explore other options and try and get a life!

R. said...

hey mukta! don't I always? :D

miz n! welkom. And oh..btw, I didn't go to spain and all that stuff... :)

dusty! Jaipur is a beautiful city, even the few parts that reek of camel dung. The colours that one sees there are awesome!! We shopped for stuff like there was no tomorrow to shopping...even bought two kgs of Ghewar their local sweet. And d'ya know how BIG two kgs of Ghewar can be? Well i found out :D

-c said...

have fun, and a I will be waiting patiently for your exotic travel tales!

m. said...

back with a couple of posts he says. humph. time-waster!! :D