Saturday, May 01, 2010

The New Look

There are so many similarities between my fitness regime and my blogging that it's a little eerie. Both started around 6-8 years ago (6 years for the blog and 8 for the fitness regime) and were both pursued with passion. They both achieved their peek 4-5 years ago and roughly 3 1/2 years ago, both came to a screeching halt.

There have been many a (false) start since then. I haven't yet been to a fitness club that I haven't paid a membership to, nor have I wasted an opportunity to write a random post stating that I'm back for good. But I guess during these three and a half years, I've started to be a more active participant in life rather than being a passive observer. For instance, a lot of my blogging was about my time at various airports or flights, so much so that I looked forward to flight delays and extended travel times. It gave me the opportunity to sit on a rock and watch the world go by. When I met Shireen (my wife), I got off that rock. There was no void that needed to be filled with stuff like blogging or going to the gym (for 2-3 hours a day). Through this time though, there has been a growing need to both get fit and also start writing. The fit part is because now that I have a little girl (2 years old), I really need all the energy that I can get to keep up with her. I can't describe the joy she gives me and the happiest portions of my life is when I'm with her and my wife. And I'm sure most of my friends who have known me know that I've always had this major yearning to write (and to be read).

A lot of times I believe I think when I write, it is an integral part of me that I've missed, the ability to explore every nook and cranny of my mind. Hence this attempt, like my (re)visit to the gym on monday is not another whim but a decision (hopefully) taken with a strong will for it to succeed.

Over the last week or so, I've been jotting down some thoughts in a book, which would soon be blog posts, hence I hopefully have the material for the next month or so.

I hope you like the new look. The picture above the blog was something I took at Mirvana Nature Resort, in Jaisalmer (Rajasthan), which can only be described as an Oasis in the desert. A beautiful garden resort (in the middle of the desert) run by a friend and her family. I highly recommend it.

To any of my friends who have yet kept the faith and kept a tab on this block, I'd like to say firstly that you are crazy and secondly, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Hilary said...

Looking forward to future reads. I'll pass on the cab ride though.

R. said...

Hey DJ. The cab ride was somethin else!

Unknown said...

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