Thursday, June 16, 2005



Is happiness a process or a destiny? Is it a state of mind or a function of environment? And will it ever be complete?



shana p. said...

I think it is a process. For me, I consider myself always happy, even when I am upset, it is just a lesser version of my happiness. I am happy to be alive I think is what I am trying to say.

dizzyguy73 said...

One can't buy happiness.
Happiness must be earned.

R. said...

I just put these up coz I was curious about your opinions. They make for very interesting reading


Mukta Raut said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

And as for my opinion on the matter...I think happiness is a decision for me. It's not the meandering lofty sense of well-being. It's a resolute commitment to that state of mind.

yeah - life happens, shit happens. Bring on the champagne and Cheers!

R. said...

Mukta , thanks for dropping by. I've always envied the characters in PG Wodehouse novels. Things always seem nice, happy and positive, even when they shouldn't be :-)