Monday, June 06, 2005

The old man under a tree

They said he was well traveled and once quite rich, this old man sitting under the shade of a lonely big tree in the middle of nowhere. It seems he sits there all day, gazing around in peace. Some said that he was mad and some that he was wise but all of them agreed that he was unique. One morning, I walked up to the tree and sat down beside this frail old man. He welcomed me with a nod and a smile.

My curiosity got the better of me and I asked him what he looked at everyday, he smiled and said "Paradise" in a soft voice. I waited a while for his words of wisdom but none ever came. So I asked him where this paradise was and if I would be able to find it. He smiled and said haltingly "Son, it is up to you to search for your own paradise, mine is right here, all around, it took me many years and many journeys to find it". I looked around as I leaned back on the tree, wondering what he ever saw in this hot and lonely land.

After a moment or two of incomprehension, I glanced at his contended face. I realised then that I didn't have to know his reasons, they probably only made sense to him. Acceptance washed over me and I kicked back and sat a while longer sharing this spot in his paradise.


That Girl said...

hey R thanks for droppin by!!

-c said...

I, too, have sat in silence waiting for a wise woman to start listing all the Answers. And the same happened to me! All I got was silence and profound realization. What a scam!
I really like this post!

R. said...

Thanks -c, this really isn't my favourite post. Didn't quite turn out the way I expected it would.